Garden Recipe @ Paradigm

My first time at this place was to celebrate my colleague's belated birthday. I wasn't so prepared that time (no camera) so I missed all those good shots. Anyway, my first response when someone suggested this place was :
"Garden Recipe? Vege?? Eww...........! (Lost appetite)"
LOL! Since when did I started to become a meat eater? Well, its not exactly a vegetarian restaurant or so although they do offer vegetarian menu. I bet the concept is, you know, Eat Healthy!

We all know well that there aren't (many) pure organic food around. I mean, just look around us, we are living in a developing country, with dust, toxic gases, chemical, hormones, bacteria, pesticides and all that. How many lands are there left untouched and unpolluted? That are so pure that we can grow such beautiful leafy greens (That sells at much higher price?) I don't think there are much left though.

Sorry, I am not judging on anything/anyone here. I just wanna share that, when we said organic food it doesn't really means that its superbly pure. Probably its just a better controlled food with less contaminants. Just my own opinion

Anyway, people loves to be healthy (sometimes) after feeling guilty with all the junks we can live without. So, here it is! A good place that offers you foods with Higher Quality Ingredients, Healthier combination of alternative food (eg: brown rice) and most importantly, the food taste so much better even without MSG!! You gotto be kidding!!!! No I AM NOT!

Fried Brown Rice with Salmon. Bty, everyone asked the same silly question "How can Salmon be organic?". The first thing I thought of are those poor Salmons in Japan (radioactive?) Well, I don't know! Probably it's breed in the tank or something?! Who cares as long as my fried brown rice is awesome! (+ healthier)

Nasi kerabu with Fried Chicken Mamak (Not Gangnam) Style.
Question : How can Chicken be organic?
Answer : As long as its not from fast food restaurant?

Curry Chicken with Brown Rice Noodle.

Brown Rice Nasi Lemak. Some guilty food made less guilty for Nasi Lemak (Fat) Lover! (Me)

Mango Salad

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Location, Opening Hour, Menu & Price and anything else you need can be found at their


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