11 December 2011

The Start

Apparently, I am starting a blog?? This is weird cos I ain't a techie person. So here it goes and hopefully this turn out to be one of my most colorful diary ever!

While I was trying and browsing through those alien buttons, questions were flying here and there. "OMG..aren't there a security option or something? Then everyone could read all the heck I am crapping here?!". Very well, if there are then this wouldn't be called a blog anymore isn't?

To think twice, nothing really inspired me to start blogging. Maybe (or maybe not) I wish to divert all my attention to the good side of everything. Sometimes is easier to fall on the darker side than to walk on the brighter end. So through this blog, I wish I could focus and disseminate all the positive energy to people around me.

I beleive the next thing I should be doing is to find some really nice pic for the background. Well, that's really  the hardest thing ever! Its not like I don't take pictures, its just that I cant make up my mind which one I should use!

Hopefully, by the end of this year (which is like going to end in another 20 days), I would have written something interesting with lotsa of photos!


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