15 April 2012

The Eye effect!

I am feeling really too free one evening so I put myself into learning mode. As I'll be attending multiple dinners real soon, I think some make-up practice is really essential for me to survive the night! I mean, the most I normally put on during the day is a sheer base coat that I need it as my sunblock, some powder to control the shiny effect, touching up on my eyebrows and last mascara or eyeliner (I'll usually use both if I am going on a date or something). That's it!

I believe I am kind of like mastered these few basic steps. Anything beyond that is mystery to me =_=!

So, I googled and you-tubed videos for that really simple but gorgeous eye make up tutorials! Why eyes? Erm...well...I guess I am just really curious to know how those gorgeous girls out there get those really huge-eyes effect! I mean, that really turns the whole thing upside down! Even I am totally attracted...Hahahahha...

I stumbled upon this video which is quite what I needed. So I get all my assets (make-up tools) ready and started practising.

and...the result turns out to quite satisfying....




A more dramatic eyelash will open up the eyes more! Think back, I didn't even bother to put on any base on my face. Really, is just the eye make-up practice that I am really concerned about. I'm not sure if I am able to make miracle happens twice cuz what I did that night was only on my right eyes. Hopefully I don't screw up when I have to make-up both eyes.

I'd added a layer of fake eyelash at the bottom of my eyes. That gives a total different dramatic effect.
Pray for me that I don't embarrass myself in the dinner (Eg: Eyelash falling, Mascara/Eyeliner smeared) O_o