20 May 2012

Got Hooked to the new TOY!

Opssy..., it has been a while since the last time I had updated my blog. So sorry but I just got a little bit too over-excited with my new toy! Oh yes, my new Ipad had arrrived!

It took me quite sometime to convince myself to purchase that. I mean, what kind of valid reason do I have to own one of those most-wanted-gadget-in-trend? Most of the time I am stuck in the office with internet connection (illegally). So, it really doesn't sounds very convincing that i need the Ipad for my work. Neither does the reason to gain access to my e-mail conveniently sounds anymore better. So badically, all i can use the Ipad for is probably to check my Facebook status and play some kids games! I got myself tonnes of reasons for not owning an Ipad and I even convince Kent that I don't need one. But...in just a few minutes and a few clicks.....everything turns upside down!

Well, I still can't find a superb-solid reason to own one if you ask but I know that I WANT one! Don't get me wrong. I am usually a very rationale consumer and the maximising value of money theory is build-in within me. But this time, it's an exception and I felt like treating myself slightly better for working hard all these years (lame reason). Very well, at least the Ipad is bigger and cost lesser than an Iphone isn't? =D

Right after I had press the 'Enter' button that very night, I'd been checking on the status of my parcel delivery almost everyday. You'll be surprised how efficient the Apple organisation is! The parcel was delivered right on my door step in 3 days (minus the weekend). I was particularly happy with the Courier service because I can actually track of my parcel delivery from the collection until the delivery point! Its so awesome!!!

So, what about the Ipad since I'd been exploring it for the past two weeks? Er...I got lots of games installed....Hahahaha.....and that's really the first thing I did! Of course there are other better stuffs than kid games like the Podcast where lots of educational information are available at Itunes for FREE!


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