How to make rose

Hey! First post on crafting! LOL....

Seriously, the craft idea just pop out and I got a bit out of control..buying all the craft supplies that I may not use at all. Oh well, at least I am a happy girl =)

I had so much in my head that I don't even know where to start. Flowers perhaps since I love flowers and I can always turn them into some beautiful hair accessories. 

Google is my school and this is my teacher. This is so far the best tutorial I could find.

I follow closely to all the tips and details and's my masterpiece!

No bad eh? I am super happy with them ^_____^

I keep doing this till one fine evening I burnt my leg with the dripping glue from the glue gun. O.U.C.H!! It took me quite some time to recover from the burn. Its just s very small drip..say 4mm diameter but it hurt so badly that now i have to carry that mark forever (maybe?)...So, please be extremely careful when handling the glue gun.

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