31 October 2013

You know you are old (older) when

You know you are old (older) when you....
(Not in any particular order)
  1. find yourself complaining about the current Government
  2. prefer drinking at pubs or bars rather than clubs
  3. start to yawn and miss your bed at 12am
  4. find yourself putting all sorts of cream on your face
  5. think that kids nowadays are so different from who you were when you're at their age
  6. find yourself shopping at the kitchen or home section and feeling excited
  7. will be amused by anything with the name of anti-oxidant and anti-aging
  8. start to eat oat although you think it tastes horrible and looks like puke =__=
  9. rather pay for a comfortable shoe than a cool 5 inch heels
  10. think you should join marathon at least once before its too late
  11. look like a walking dead after a midnight show
  12. got approach by credit card or insurance agent
  13. are reading more on the country's budget
  14. do not know most of the Internet Slang (Eg: you think LOL = Lots of Love)
  15. stop posting close shot of yourself on facebook
  16. find that your friends do not post anything about themselves on facebook anymore. You know perfectly that there's nothing there to read and yet you find yourself scrolling and scrolling and scrolling
  17. find your facebook evolved from marriage to babies photos. Some even change their profile photo to their baby photo that you don't know who they are anymore
  18. relatives keep telling you that this is the last year you'll be receiving angpow from them
  19. find a kid (4-5years) calling you aunty/uncle spontaneously and they insist to call you that though you gave them a second or third chance or even a frowned face =_=!
  20. think checking-in with facebook is to show off
  21. you do not understand why people post picture of themselves (posing) with the status is "I'm tired". If really tired then go get some rest la...
  22. are reading this and laughing..(smiling counts too)