KSSW Reception
after the ROM is the cocktail session.
the hotel will provide free flow of soft drinks and some tit-bits for free. But
since our ROM ended at about 1730 and dinner starts at 1900, we thought some
really light junkies is good just to keep our guests 'alive'.
One of
the best parts that I enjoy while preparing for our wedding is to do all these
Hanafi, the manager for our event, was detail enough to prepare us some nice glassware. That really makes all the different.
However, I wouldn’t want to spend another bomb on the backdrop which I might not even keep. So, I came out with this idea of hanging our pre-wed photos for guest to keep as remembrance, while I get one instant photo of theirs. Things just don’t always turn out to be the way you want it to be. I ended up keeping most of our pre-wed photos because my guests weren’t sure if they can take those. And most of the guests were happier to keep their own instant photo instead. Alright, understood, we are no superstars.

We held both our Reception and ROM in Concorde Hotel Shah Alam. Love this place because the layout was great. A rectangular ballroom without any pillars in between. They also allow us to use three of the meeting rooms. We used one of for our ROM and another as my changing room.
The best
part is still the loads of fresh flowers that they used to decorate our halls!
Look at the awesome decoration piece for our main table.
I decided to use the same ROM gown for march in cos I wanna fully utilised the RM1500 gown that i bought! Meanwhile, it save me some time from changing my makeup and hairdo too.
The gown was supposed to be super fitting the week before. When i wear it on the actual day, it turned out to be one size too big! (Losses weight again). It's a tied-back-strap kind of dress but there's barely any zig-zag cos i was forced to tied to the very last mm. ='(
The worst part is that my boobs too shrinks one size or so. I have to put double layers of nude-bra just to make up to support! x_x! (Confession). The dress is like 3kg+ cos its all made up real cloth rather than a tutu inside. So worried that i couldn't carry the dress. (OMG...Is the dress dropping??)
Anyway, nothing embarrassing happened that night and the support was good enough. Lucky that I do not need to put diapers on the waist to make up the volume!
To be able to perform our first dance in our wedding is like a magical moment. Friends and family were surprised to learn that we can dance. Two years of training in professional ballroom dance doesn’t go to waste. Though I always wanted to learn dancing, it really didn’t cross my mind that we can actually dance in our wedding! Thanks to our principal from Taipan D'Dance World, Jo, for the special routine!
We were superb nervous if you ask. Dancing with 500 pairs of eyes watching is an unforgettable moment in our life.
Kent might
looks super steady but I knew he was as nervous as I do. When our emcee invites
us to the dance floor my heart felt like dropping. My legs got so shaky that I
can barely walk straight.
the whole dance routine. We received lots of compliments but deep in our heart
we knew we did few silly mistakes. Mine is the worst though! My feet are
supposed to close shut not opened up like killing-scissor!
flies during the reception and it’s time to say goodbye. I knew the time will
come when I started sobbing. Been holding myself back for a couple of times
when I saw my family. Dare not look into my mum’s eye cos I knew both of us
will cry in the end. Hello, I will be staying only 20mins away from home, why
am I so heavy hearted? Silly me!
Thanks peeps for the unforgettable night!