30 November 2015

My Labour Experience

Finally the day has arrived!!

It was 2 days from my EDD and I was so certain that Baby Bump arrival will be delayed. Not until I felt a sudden tummy ache at 12am on the same day.

Being the usual lazy me, I endured the pain and fall back to sleep hoping that the pain will be gone when I wake up. I guess the tummy ache was bad enough that it send me to poo twice. Nothing came out not even air. After enduring the tummy ache for an hour, I started to suspect something is not right.

Not wanting to wake Kent up if it's no so serious, I decided to rest and wait for a little while longer. It's 2 am when the pain is still there and come consistently at every 10 minutes. Okay, that must be the sign!

At 3 am, I woke Kent up "Hubby, it's 10 minutes for and hour". Kent jump up from his sleep in a way that I never see before. "Huh?"

I started to hesitate if we shall head to the hospital right then or wait and see. What if it's a fake sign? Shall we wait for a while longer since the contraction is just 10 mins apart? After much deliberation, I took my "finale bath" and even wash my hair TWICE (will talk about it more in my Confinement Experience).

We double checked the labour bag and head to the hospital.

Every wave that kicks in last for about a minute or so. At other times, I am my own self again and can even chat with Kent while on the way to the hospital. At time when I am in pain, I would just ignore Kent and concentrate on my breathing technique.

I checked-in to the observation room at about 4 am, where the nurses and medical officer checked my blood pressure, take my urine sample and monitor my contraction frequency. I was dilated to 3 cm when they confirm that I am seriously going to labour. I was like, okay...I am going to give birth...whatever...I don't even know what are the procedure or process to felt nervous for, which is a good thing.

Instead of being send to the labour room on a wheel chair or even lying on the bed, I actually walked myself to the room. And I thought it could be slightly more dramatic as shown in those Hong Kong drama. LOL

I was like 'tied' to the bed with the monitoring device while going through the countless contraction. Seriously, do they need to tie me to the bed cos I felt so much better standing.

While I was doing good handling the increasing contraction with the breathing technique that I had acquired a week ago, a medical officer came in and rupture my amniotic sac. I asked if it's necessary and she explained that it will shorten the labour process. Yes indeed but with increase frequency of contraction too!

Kent was beside me all the while, looking at me helplessly. I managed to take a glimpse of the way he stared at me enduring the pain. I'm hope I never forget the way he look at me at that moment.

Most of the times my eyes are shut which I don't know why.

Seriously, I had got totally no memory how I manage to go through the 2 hours of labour pain which to me only lasted like half an hour? The most amazing part is that I had gone through all these without any pain relieve medication!

Needless to say, I was offered Epidural for a few times which I rejected. There's no way I will survive having a needle poke through my spine when I have super sensitive back. The needle or whatever you call it may just broke into half (from what I can imagine). Anyway, thanks to my timidity, I can now declared that I had a natural birth!

Contractions felt like the sudden need to use the toilet just that nothing will ever come out. And you will know when it's time that you need to push (just like passing motion). LOL!!

Surprisingly, the last moment of pushing is not painful at all. The only pain I can remember was when the doctor cut me and that's the only time I screamed out!!

There were about 4 nurses, a doctor and a medical officer in the room cheering for me during my final push. The whole room was full of energy with everyone cheering and encouraging me to push. Seriously grateful to have all them there, except that I don't remember who exactly were there (eyes were shut closed ma)

The delivery was smooth and not long after that I have our baby placed on my tummy. Of course I felt touched but not to the extend that I wanna cry though..LOL. 

When I thought it's all done..my next job just started..breastfeeding!!

Hi Baby Sean


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