Happy New Year 2016 @ Upstairs Cafe SS12
Happy New Year!!!
Looks like I can only shout-out Happy New year from here!
This is not the first year that I had 'celebrated' new year on the bed. WTH! Perhaps, this could be the first new year that I wished I could sleep soundlessly at 12am while ignoring all the fireworks. Wish remain as a wish because this year we have a new member who might not like the noise of fireworks especially in the middle of the night.
I was praying so hard for Baby S to sleep through the countdown. Every seconds of the fireworks seems to last forever.
Well, thank god that he can be a heavy sleeper sometimes. He (more like we) manage to sleep through the celebration but that doesn't mean that he's not waking up for his milk =_=!
Another sleepless night for me but I cant wait for the morning to come.
I have a new year date with Kent (and Baby S of course) for BIG BREAKFAST!! Yey!!
Every outing with Baby S seems like a short weekend trip to me. It would easily takes us 2 hours to get ready to get out of the house. Most of the time when the food is served, its feeding time again! Gonna practice some time management here.
Baby S gave us a very special gift for new year though. He sleeps through our whole breakfast date!! Muacks!
And because of that, we have sometime for food-coffee-chat-and-photos!
Our first photo of the year as P-A-R-E-N-T-S
OMG, this is how exhausted I looked like?!?! Those eyebags!!!
Apparently, Kent is looking fairly energetic.Grrrr......

Big Breakfast from Upstairs Cafe @ SS12. It's amazing how i manage to wallops the whole breakfast set! Thanks to breastfeeding, now I am eating like a rhino!
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