Hipopo Baby Spa & Wellness at Empire Gallery
Whenever I told someone that I am bringing Baby S to spa, they will be like "wow....baby nowadays is so hang fuuk"
I bet Baby S would not remember any of these moments when he grows up. As far as I am concern, I am happy to bring him there so that mummy get to see him enjoy playing water.
The truth. I hope after the so call spa/swimming session, he'll be tired enough to sleep through the night!
If that really happen, I will bring him to spa every single week! WTF
Prior Booking is necessary especially on weekend. Purposely booked late evening so that Baby S can sleep after the session....LOL.....evil mummy!
It is important to ensure Baby is healthy. Ahem...common sense la...I bet you wouldn't go for spa or swimming if you are sick right?
Make sure Baby had enough sleep and milk at least 30 minutes before the session. Half an hour of swimming session is gonna be real tiring for them.
Babies of 6 months and below will get to use individual tub
It is important to ensure Baby is healthy. Ahem...common sense la...I bet you wouldn't go for spa or swimming if you are sick right?
Make sure Baby had enough sleep and milk at least 30 minutes before the session. Half an hour of swimming session is gonna be real tiring for them.
Babies of 6 months and below will get to use individual tub
Babies of 6 months and above will share the bigger tub (maximum 2 babies per session)
It is very nice to know that warm filtered water is used. No fuss about chlorine or other chemical in the water. By the way, I bath Baby S with tap water (with chlorine also la). I guess the main different here is that I am paying for it, so definitely I would demand for chlorine-free water. LOL
The great thing of using the single tub is that the water will be changed after every single use. Bravo! They will fill the tub there and there when you reach. This is a good protocol since younger babies are more fragile and their antibody is weaker.
The bigger pool, being bigger is definitely more fun to me. The water is change everyday. So if you want both, fresh water & bigger pool, you got to be the first user of the day! LOL!! Fresh water ma!
Me being Kiasi, prefer Baby S to use individual tub of course. Is good too especially when this is his first spa session. Looks like he's not really swimming cos his feet are touching the bottom of the tub. =___=!
The great thing of using the single tub is that the water will be changed after every single use. Bravo! They will fill the tub there and there when you reach. This is a good protocol since younger babies are more fragile and their antibody is weaker.
The bigger pool, being bigger is definitely more fun to me. The water is change everyday. So if you want both, fresh water & bigger pool, you got to be the first user of the day! LOL!! Fresh water ma!
Me being Kiasi, prefer Baby S to use individual tub of course. Is good too especially when this is his first spa session. Looks like he's not really swimming cos his feet are touching the bottom of the tub. =___=!
Some warm up exercise before 'swimming'
No need to worry of baby pee-pee or poo-poo in the tub because disposable swimming diaper is included in the package. TBH, the owner also worried if your baby release there...LOL
The neck float is imported from Taiwan. Tested the edge and it is soft. No worries that it will cut baby's delicate skin.

Supposed, we, parents get a time-off while baby is being handled by the assistant there. Unfortunately, Baby S is fear of stranger and is already feeling uncomfortable during the warm up exercise. We ended up cooing him together with the assistant.
Baby S did cried a little when he first entered the water. Took him quite some time to settle down. When he did and started to enjoy the bubbles, time's up! The assistant is kind enough to extend 10 minutes just for him. Hooray!

The assistant will keep encouraging Baby to swim and kick so that they are "exercising". The real intention is ensure that they are tired enough to sleep later.
Yes, please kick harder! LOL
Baby S doesn't really enjoy the massage session though. He cried like 90% during the massage session. I have to keep him company and distract him with toy. He cried even louder when i was too immense with Frozen (they are playing that for other kids) and the toy knock on his face! WTF!

I ended up holding him and the assistant massage his hand and feet! Look so different from what I saw in those videos. Mine was a havoc experience.
So, finally did he sleeps through the night?
But he did sleep really soundlessly on the way home!
Mummy's Mission Failed
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