Pondering Back on 2017
This is the first year that I actually took some time to ponder the past 365 days of my life. I rarely does this because
I always have this believe that whatever passed has passed. I know tomorrow
would be better and always looking forward for another day ahead. Well, kind of
the same feeling I have looking back at old photos of me : Gosh, I look better
*ok la. Part of it is because I realised that I have got only 1 post in 2017 in my blog. What a shame. But nevertheless, 2017 had been a year full of adrenaline rush for me and my family.
Some are more of harvesting the fruits from my hardwork.
Some are just there to test our strength.
So, here are some highlights of whatever I could remember or digged out from the photo collections.
Lucky Draw
Company annual dinner is one the event that I enjoy the most. Is the time that I really get to dolled up "dramatically" and yet no one complains. Check out the huge falsies/wings on the eye! LOL...
This year I was so ready to get a new phone as my old one wouldn’t even let me to pick up calls. Since the company annual dinner is round the corner, I decided to hold on for just a few more days. Who knows if I could get a new phone for free. I am one of those who will only buy a new phone when even the pick-pocket-er wouldn’t want it. Wake up people, RM2-3k for a phone? You can get a laptop with that price!
W ell, luck strike that night! Who cares if it is a China Brand as long as it is free. I was actually quite biased on China phone as it don’t last. I was kind of like super impressed with the camera and how fast I could actually switch over from my old-and-dying phone. Felt like finally I am in the ‘future’ when I transfer wireless data from the old phone.
Professional title
I still remember the time when I was interviewed by the newpaper about what I wanted to do right after my graduation. “I wanted to register as a Professional”. Halfway through, I guess I lost my passion. Well, never did i know that I manage to catch the last boat. Thanks to my supportive friends and colleagues. I guess without them, I wouldn’t be able to proudly shout that I am now a registered professional.
It wasn’t easy though. I couldn’t remember how many
sleepless nights I had spent to finish off the assignments and preparing for
examination. Thanks to the abundance of working experience and opportunity. I
manage to passed without much difficulty.
This wouldn’t happen without the support from all the people around me especially my parents and husband.

Our wedding wows
I love to attend wedding ceremony. It is just so nice to see
a couple finally tying a knot. The smiles on their faces is always so pure. It
reminds me of what marriage is all about. What had Kent’s promised on the day
of our ROM and what I had replied spontaneously.
I never like it when Kent told me that he will love me till
the day he dies. This is just too shallow. Everyone will face that day, it’s
rather a matter of time. What’s more important is that you (Kent), stay alive, be
healthy and live longer than me! How could you consider as love me when you are willing to see me suffer the days without you beside me?
I never know why we were picked to test our wows. All I know
is that we were chosen and we have to show that we meant what we promised.
2017 had been very generous on me before it turned 180
There is nothing more painful to see your loved one in pain
and there is nothing much you could do about it.
There is nothing more difficult than to hold back your tears
when deep down inside you felt like crying your tears to dry.
There is nothing more empty than sleeping alone in the bed.
Despite all the tears shed in secret, we had learnt alot that…
Life is so unpredictable. There is nothing as a guaranteed tomorrow. Appreciate every single moment you have now. Express your feeling while you still could. Hug and kiss them as much you wish to. We have heard and seen too much in a year. Seeing people come and go for the least expected reason.
Family is always there to support you when you are at your most miserable state. Love them as much as they love you.
Bought our first house
We finally bought our first house. Cant’s wait for it to
complete and decorate it! And the pools!
It's funny how things actually turn out. We bought this house out of the emptiness we felt inside. If it wasn't because of that, I bet we would have waited few more year.
We signed the SPA somewhere near our 16th pak tor anniversary. Considering this as a present and milestone lock for both of us. Finally a place we could call 'OUR NEST'
It's funny how things actually turn out. We bought this house out of the emptiness we felt inside. If it wasn't because of that, I bet we would have waited few more year.
We signed the SPA somewhere near our 16th pak tor anniversary. Considering this as a present and milestone lock for both of us. Finally a place we could call 'OUR NEST'
Doing lots (ALOTs) of silly things
Sincerely, the best thing to be around Kent is that I could be myself. There is no worries on how he will think of me. He had saw the most silly side of me. WTF
I just don't know why he always there catching me doing silly stuffs.
This year I decided to make him a Birthday Cake. It turned out looking like a big fat PISA tower. Well at least the strawberries are super big and juicy.

Who doesn’t like holidays right?
We went to Cameron Highlands for a weekend trip. Was quite a relaxing trip despite having two toddlers around.
We attended Kent's cousin wedding at Ipoh. Manage to snap a almost matching outfit photo.
The wedding continues at Johor. Took us almost 5 hours drive from KL.
After putting up a night, we headed to Pulau Kukup on a casual decision. It was quite an interesting place with blue coloured crab. Eh.....mutated crab?
And Baby S get his first boat ride that day.
Redang Island
We went to Redang for a short gateway trip with my parents. Didn't get to snorkel because Baby S is around. =_=
But overall the trip was relaxing.
I was especially happy to see Baby S exploring new things.
Sitting on aeroplane, ferry and bus (and that passenger thingy) for the first time
Walking on the beach and getting hit by waves for the first time.
Looks like Baby S is the one on Holiday.

Just woke up from afternoon nap..
All other things that matters
Is really great that we are still meeting up after so many years. Many more years of friendship to come.
Wefies with my new boyfriend.

Force wefies with my new boyfriend's son. Lol.
By the way, this was taken at Genting Highland. We were so lost that we thought the indoor theme park is still around. Looks like we will have to come back after the theme park is ready.
By the way, this was taken at Genting Highland. We were so lost that we thought the indoor theme park is still around. Looks like we will have to come back after the theme park is ready.

Looks like that's the last photo we took in 2017. Hope 2018 will be a generous year to all of us. We pray for good health and happiness to all the people around us.
Till now. I hope I could make at least monthly entree to record all the interesting things that happened around us.
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