26 February 2020


UPDATE 9 March 2020 

I had tried uploading the required information numerous times but to no avail.

When I tried to log in to my FB account today (hoping everything went back to normal but it didn't), I received this message informing that my account is scheduled to be deleted by 22nd March 2020 (Any last words?)

Am a bit sad over it cos that's like my little diary and also my news centre or just my toxic addition.

Well, I sent my information for the last time. If not then i gotta say goodbye forever to FB. Not going to re-register another account.


We are not new to the fact that 'we are paying with our personal information to use all the social medias that are running wild-and-free in todays IT world.

I used to accept this fact without much difficulty. I mean, what harm could they do with just that few piece of information that we would usually happily give away when we fill in that lucky draw slip.

Now, things started to get a little bit out of control (that's what I feel), when out of the sudden 'Swarovski' advertisement pop-up in my facebook account because i stopped at the shop for like few minutes to window shop. Just at that moment, someone somewhere detected that I may be interested to buy so they send me the link of the advertisement. Yes, this is really convenient especially for shoppers and also retailers as it opens up another window for successful transaction. But hey! Did I permit you to 'follow' me? (erm...yes...maybe because my GPS was on)

I am not sure this is by chance or luck or what-so-ever you call it. The insecurity level inside of me is screaming out for help.

Now, I can totally accept the fact that if I were to search or read something very similar to that in FB, then they would send me the relevant link. But definitely not when I am actually physically walking/passed by the shop and stopped for a few minutes. Am I being tailgate or what?

I can also totally accept the fact that if I were to view/read similar post in my IG, then they would send me the relevant link because yes, IG is bought over by FB. But, no. Both FB & IG are prompting me my shopping view on Shopee or my Google search!! Wey...isn't that a little bit too much?

Now that I just saw Whatsapps is also by FB, I am not sure what will pop-up when I send a message out to someone else mentioning about something. I am sure they are working on it and sooner or later they will figure out how to do it and send me the relevant links too. 

It may seems pretty normal or harmless, but I just have the feeling that someone might be looking at me directly from my phone/laptop camera while i am typing this post.

So, what can I do? I can't leave the social media and that's a fact. So, I go to the privacy setting in FB (which seems very friendly to use but is not) and remove as much unnecessary information as possible. No one needs to know what I like, where I stay, who is my family or what's my favourite colour. Those are irrelevant.

While I was going through the privacy list, this idea of amending my birthday information pop-up and I casually amended it to the date I first registered with FB. Wallla.....now i am BARRED from using FB because I am less than 13 years old. Yey!!

I have even greater news. I am also BARRED from IG because it is linked to my FB. Double Yey!

Even greater news. I am also BARRED from all other access using FB. (ie. Hotels.com). Forget about the free nights. 

In order for FB to grant me back my access, I have to send my ID for verification. ID that are more personal than those used when registering a new account. So personal that I doubted why do they need those for a social media account?

Despite all that, I submitted. (F*^%)

I felt like being tied and lock up in a dark room. Not able to see what's there in my social media account. Not getting the latest update/news.

But is that really what I needed? Now that I am free from the real prison, why do I want to beg to be in again? The mixed feeling is so torturing. It is very addictive. I just want to click on those icon and scroll.

Yes...A.D.D.I.C.T.I.V.E is the correct word to describe my urge now. You know, the feeling of drinking that cup of coffee or even smell it so that you feel alive?

It's been a week now. It seems like I am still good without those social media but somehow I still wish I could use it for my own benefit rather than being used. Check my email few times a day so that I get to know if my access had been granted. Log in to Youtube more nowadays or even Shopee as alternative option to ease my urge.

Arghhhh....I am sick!


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