The World is Going Crazee
There is no crazy virus, no people got infected, no people
die of infection, no one attended any mass gathering, no escalating infected
people, no Movement Control Order, no over-worked medical staff, no liar who
hide their true condition, no idiots who ignore the order.
The truth is that everything is real. Too real to be true.
The number of people get infected is increasing every single
day. The number of people who die of the virus increases everyday. The Movement
Control Order is in place and extended. Videos of Medical Staffs overworked and
exposed to risk is everywhere. There are patients who hide about their true
condition and exposed medical staff and other patients to risk. There are
idiots running around assuming there is nothing happening.
It is not about who you are. How old you are. How healthy
you are. What Nationality are you. What religion do you belief. How rich you
are. The virus don’t give a damn. They just need a host so that you can DIE.
The reported numbers of infected people which used to be
stressful to me (and perhaps everyone) had started to become a ‘norm’. “Oh...another
153 confirmed cases today with 2 casualties”. When 1 people die, it is a big
matter. When more people die, it is just a mere number.
Yes, we are ‘imprisoned’ here in our own home sweet home
with a comfortable bed. Clean water is just a tap away. Electricity is available
so that you can stick to your phone and TV all day long and yet still complain
about being bored. Yes, we can’t go out to have a cuppa of expensive drink in a
cozy café or bars. Yes, we can’t go out for crazy shopping frenzy just because
we want to be in trend. Yes, we can’t go out for sports or jogging at the
lakeside. Yes, we can’t travel, so forget about the Sun, Sea and Sand for a while.
But if we can just stop thinking about ourselves for a
moment, you will realised there is something that we can appreciate about what is
happening now.
The world has slowed down. War stops because the real war
just started. Factories that used to release gases, wastes and carbon had ceased
production. The sky is a little clearer. The air is a little fresher. There is
no more rush hour traffic jam. There are no more people venturing into the sea
with sunblock killing all the corals. There are no more ships in the port. There
are much lesser aeroplane flying in the sky. Mother earth can finally take a
Well, as for me, I get to sleep till I am awake naturally. Do
an early Yoga. Cook breakfast for my loves one. Experience working from home
which I dream of. Spend more time with my love ones though sometimes it may be
frustrating. I get to do my laundry on any day I want. I finally have time to
update my blog and tidy up my photos. I can totally forget about what to wear because
every day is casual day. I can rest my skin for a while from makeup because it is
just non-essential. Shopping for new clothes, make-up, shoes, handbag? Who need
that? I still have a job at this point of time. NO bonus but no salary cut too at
the moment which is good news.

It may seem stressful at start. Who will not have responded
the same way to an overnight change of lifestyle? But we human are very adaptive.
It had been 15days of MCO and I think I am getting used to it. Working and
home-schooling my boy at the same time.
The only thing that really bother me is what will happen in
the future? What will happen if it pro-long? Will I lose my job? Will there be
retrenchment if the economy worsen? What will happen if there is no more food
available outside? What if animals too get the infected?
Conserving as much resources as possible perhaps is what everyone
should do now. Reduce waste as much as possible. Which is quite a challenge
with all the online delivery packaging but I believe we are still better now
compared to before. People get quite sceptical when receiving parcels from
courier. You know, potentially there might be contamination somewhere.
Re-use as much as you could. Just imagine one day there is just
no more packaging available? Those tapau container that we throw away
conveniently because it is just so difficult to wash, it may just ‘poof!’. Gone
got good.
Buy only when you need it. Give others a chance for
essential goods because your ass alone is not going to used up that 30 rolls of
toilet paper in a month.
I am sure our most brilliant scientists are working something
to overcome this. I hope that by the day we can finally announce that we have concurred
this war, human can be a little bit more humane. Can be a little bit more
moderate. Can appreciate nature a little bit more. Can conserve resources for
our little ones more. Can live their life a little more meaningfully. Can love and
be contented with everything we own now.
Mother Earth has responded now. We do not own this place and
we can we wiped out just like the dinosaurs!
Our ‘soldiers’ are fighting for humanity! Give them our
support by Staying Home, Stay Away and Stay Safe! They have family too just
like us but without the luxury of being home with them. They are the real
hero/heroein! Protect them and keep them with us!
#StayHome #StaySafe
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