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Our little Angel Baby Yeon

Everything feels like a dream. A short sweet and bitter dream that happen way too fast. On 28 th July (Friday), I took Emergency leave because Sean wasn’t feeling well. As usual, being at home means doing lots of other works rather than resting. In the evening, I noticed that BB has not been moving as much as he used to. We decided to go to the hospital to check up. During the assessment, BB started to move again which I felt relieved. Doctor checked on my opening and confirmed I am not dilated. She suggested to induce since I am 37 weeks pregnant but also mention that is entirely up to me. Why rush when he is not ready? I signed the letter to return home and continue monitoring at home. On 29 th  July (Saturday), everything seems fine but I realized that I have a little mucus discharge (probably the mucus plug) but not feeling any contraction though and brush it off. On 30 th  July (Sunway) at 12pm, I was awaken by Kent’s snoring and it is when I felt the consistent ...

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